Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Xander's PJs

Xander has taken up the art of pjs. Since I've been homeschooling he stays in his pj for a majority of the day. I know that is bad of me, but I just get busy. I thought that this was a good one. He brought the shorts to me after he had on the pajama pants, and he wanted them on so what can I say I had to oblige.


I know this will give it away. Any guesses?

Art Projects

Nick's art project isn't quite as interesting as Kaylee's, but he did a pretty good job. He was suppose to draw a picture of things that an artist might use.

Kaylee had to make an abstract art project and she thought of this one all by her self. Can any of you guess what this might be a picture of?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Halloween Pictures..

Here's the whole crew. They had a lot of fun. We went trick or treating with some family friends. The kids had fun. I think Kaylee froze.

Isn't Xander just the cutest little elephant you've ever seen. Can you believe that he kept the hood on the whole night.

Timmy had to be something to do with cars. He loves them. But he is getting into Transformers. I don't know what he likes more.

Kaylee wanted to be a the little mermaid. Kelli do you recognize the flower on the front of her dress? I had to fill the space with something. I thought it worked well.

Nick and one of his friends decided to be Mario and Luigi. They were the hit of the night. I don't think I've heard so many comments on costumes.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So the last thing we have done is we went to a NASCAR RACE. I never thought I would ever go to a race EVER. But we were given the tickets and we thought that we shouldn't let the tickets go. So we went and we had a good time. I just think next time we go we definately have to take ear plugs.
And I guess that we're going to have to go again because Timmy just loved it. And I wish I would have taken my camera because the picture that I took with my phone just didn't do justice.

Sorry the pictures are so fuzzy but I had to give you some idea of Timmy's face when the race started.

Zander showering!!

I was going into take a shower and I got busy doing other things. I think I was going to check my email really quick before I went to take a shower. And Zander decide that he need to take a shower with his clothes on. Isn't he just sweet.

Kaylee's Birthday

September 1, 2009

Since the last post a lot has happened. Kaylee Had a birthday. She was great she had to wait a week waiting for her party. She finally got her party, hopefully getting what she wished for.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Buried Treasure

Last Saturday the Cub Scouts had a cake decorating contest and it was to be done with Nick and Jeremy only. Of course Jeremy has to go overboard. He looked online and got the directions for he cake and he decided that the cake was not big enough so. This cake they put together is 2 1/2cakes, 3 containers of frosting and a whole bunch of candy. I'm soo glad that we didn't take it home

Nick got judges choice and JEREMY was so proud. Sometimes I think its all about him.

They did have fun putting the cake together. And just for your information don't ever buy soured prunes. Jeremy thought that they would be a great touch for some rocks.


I've been busy the last couple of days and I haven't had the chance to get on a whole lot. Who knew how much work it would be to homeschool. But I have decided that I'm not going to continue with Timmy. He is just not ready for the work or it might be the other way around. But I have enough to do with the other two.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dog Loose

Today chipper got loose, for anyone who doesn't know who chipper he is our dog. Kaylee had a friend over today and they wanted to go out back without Zander going out with them. So they locked the back door and went out the front door through the gate to the back yard. But someone forgot to tell me the gate was not shut and I didn't look for him before we went to the pool and he ran free the whole time we were at the pool. I'm glad we have friends that like us enough to pick up our dog.

*I had a gut feeling that I should look for where the dog was at before we left for the pool but I just shrugged it off. I'll know better next time.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Trouble Ahead!

Tonight after dinner my children were thinking it was really funny to burp and fart and make a big deal about it. And I got really tired of it so I had to send the kiddos to time out away from each other. So Nick and Kaylee went to their rooms and Timmy had to stick his nose in the corner (so he wouldn't mess around). But the whole time he was there Zander was there for moral support.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Soccer Starts

So it's the first week of soccer practice, and can you believe we only have to go to the park twice a week. I could not believe we got all of our (three teams) practices on the same day. It was a blessing sent from HEAVEN!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dog Catcher's

We were driving home today from a friends house and we drove past some people looking for there lost dog. So Jeremy told them that we would watch for him while we were driving home. And of course the kids helped us look the whole way. They were getting a little discouraged and Kaylee said, "maybe the dog catcher caught him." Then Timmy said "Dog Catcher's don't catch dogs they catch FISH."

He sure is becoming the intelligent one.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nick's Vacuuming

I sent Nick into clean his room, and he proceeded to tell me that he was done. So I told him he needed to vacuum his room too. And when he went into vacuum he vacuumed up this little toy..

And he burnt up the belt in my vacuum. Don't ask me how he didn't see the toy. It's not that small. So I ask myself do I let my children vacuum if I can't trust them not to vacuum up their toys.. Can I tell you that burnt rubber smells really bad, and our vacuum still smells of it. Hopefully the smell will go away soon.

Zander Had a tough day and he couldn't make it through lunch.

I think he woke up with a crink in his neck and not very rested.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Having a Tea Party!

I sent the kids out to clean up the backyard and this is what I found when I looked outside. They look as if they were having a tea party under the trampoline.
No, in all fairness to the kids I did ask them to pick up the poo and that's just where it was and they were just putting off what they had to do. They did end up getting the job done after a lot of fussing.

Zander and Chipper

Zander just loves to be around Chipper. He like to sit with Chipper when he is sleeping in his chair.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Getting Started

We are on our way to Montana for a 3 week vacation and Kelli was nice enough to help me get my blog up and running. So we will see how well I do from here. I'm still not sure how everything works yet so this should be interesting.